Yamaoka Yasuhiro Piano Play, MSX Play, DX Play
Piano Play
01. Tour on Corridor (1984)
02. Untitled (1984)
03. Untitled (1984)
04. Untitled (1984)
05. Untitled (1984)
06. Into Dusk (1984)
07. Gleam on Water (1982)
08. Upstairs (1984)
09. Before and After (1984)
10. You Are Honest (piano part) (1982)
All piano improvisations by Yamaoka Yasuhiro.
This is the collection of my piano improvisations that have been recorded in 1982 and 1984. I recorded more piano plays, but most of them have gone somewhere I cannot find. All the time, I used to play the piano with less idea, or with no idea. I would love to play it arbitrary though I do not have any better skill. I think I cannot play piano like these recordings any more. I was always a bad piano learner, and I am still worse.
MSX Play
11. Comperc (1985, revised in 1999)
12. Antenna (1984)
13. Pulsation (1984)
All MSX programmings by Yamaoka Yasuhiro.
These three monotonous compostions are programmed for MSX computer. Comperc was originally with a bassline that discarded in 1999. Antenna and Pulsation is inspired by the weird pulse sound from my hand-made airwaves receiver. Especially, Pulsation is very close to what I heard from it.
DX Play
14. Trial two (1986)
15. Trial four (1986)
16. Trial five (1986)
All DX21 improvisations by Yamaoka Yasuhiro.
Just after I had got Yamaha DX21 synthesizer, I began to dub two or three improvisations on to a compact cassette tape, almost having no idea, as I always did. Here are some of the survived results since some of my trial over dubbed improvisations have lost forever.
Remastered and edited in February 2009 and November 2012.
Catalogue number: YOR-25.
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