yamaoka yasuhiro sheltered
01. cyst
02. noctilucent
03. occipital phone
04. plop
05. jitterbug

dokidokidance by nosaka keiichi for jitterbug from sheltered october 2002.
06. glide one
07. glide two
08. tacit dialogues
09. passing
10. froth

awaawa by nosaka keiichi for froth from sheltered october 2002.
I began my life in NY, but it was getting colder every day, therefore, I was not going outside from where I was living. I was almost sheltering myself. These pieces are composed under such circumstances.
I had been making my pieces with my friend's PC for 1-2 years. I came back to my Mac (and it was the first work made with my PowerBook G4 I recently bought) and was making these new pieces. At that time I could use only Peak and SoundEdit, I worked with these two softwares back and forth. The sources of the sounds are mostly from my past work. I guess these pieces are subtle reflections of my feelings of that time.
all tracks composed by yamaoka yasuhiro,
produced in new york, october-november/2002.
catalogue number: yor-8.
cyst, occipital phone, jitterbug and froth were released as sheltered (ep) october 2002.
The other illustrations by nosaka keiichi are exhibited at flickr: n_keiichi's photostream.
download mp3 package | flac package
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