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YOFonts Eau Douce Sans
Eau Douce means fresh water in French. This is a revised version of Eau Sans that I designed as a perfectly faceless (generic) typeface. Since Eau Sans was first debuted in 2008, it has become the most downloaded typeface from my website. Just after its release, I began the process of updating it. The cap-height and the x-height have been changed to slightly smaller sizes than in the original version. These modifications are intended to make this typeface easier to read when set in a longer text.
The original version of Eau Sans is still available. Another variation Eau Naturelle Sans is also available.
Eau Douce Sans is designed by Yamaoka Yasuhiro 2008-2011.
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YOFonts Eau Naturelle Sans
The name Eau Naturelle is taken from French for natural water. It is made from abandoned alternative characters that were designed for Moderno; a sanserif typeface based on the skeletal structure of form from a Roman serif style 18th century typeface called Bodoni. These discarded characters were modified for another version of Eau Sans that was designed as a generic typeface. This natural version has a warmer feeling accomplished through the use of a Roman serif style format modified using a traditional sanserif flavor. The Eau Naturelle Sans family contains three more weights than the Eau Sans: thin, light & medium. The Italic compliments are still being drawn.
Eau Naturelle Sans is designed by Yamaoka Yasuhiro 2003-2010.
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YOFonts Eau Sans
In 1992, I wanted to design a perfectly faceless (generic) typeface of my own. I chose Eau, meaning water in French, as the name. I planned to do two variations; a sanserif and a Roman serif style version. I could not decide on the design details for the Roman variation, so only the sanserif version was completed. Although I think that Eau Sans needs more refinement, I present it here as it was originally designed. At the time of release, I re-formatted the Eau Sans family with numeric characters in three variations: proportional, lining and old-styled figures.
This typeface is used for my electronic sound project: parabola.
Eau Sans is designed by Yamaoka Yasuhiro 1992.
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YOFonts Telegrama
Telegrama was originally created from an idea for the relationship between Pixe and Smoo. In 1992 when I designed them, both Telegrama Raw and Telegrama Render had other names. These almost completed fonts were put aside and forgotton until I re-discovered them in 2008. This time, I united the two fonts as a family and decided to present them with small adjustments and some additional accented European characters, etc.
Telegrama is designed by Yamaoka Yasuhiro 1992.
Telegrama is freeware (OpenType).
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